Ordinary General Assembly Meeting FYE 31 March 2017
MENA Capital Holding Company held its Annual General Assembly (AGM) for the financial year ended 31 March 2017 on Monday, 28 August 2017. The Chairman & CEO, Mr. Hamad Abdullatif Al-Asfour said during the meeting, that MENA Capital had been able to enhance its financial performance for the year under review despite the geopolitical turmoil in the region. He added that the Company aims to become one of the strongest financial institutions in Kuwait & to expand its geographical focus over the next few years, indicating that it has achieved positive results because of the prudent decisions adopted in the past years.The Company continues to closely evaluate investment opportunities sourced through strategic partners and ventures in line with the Company’s revised investment policy.
The AGM unanimously approved all items listed in the Agenda, including the audited financial statements of MENA Capital for the FY ended 31 March 2017 along with the Auditor's Report and the Board of Director's Report for the period. The meeting also approved the reappointment of Ernst &Young Al Aiban Al Osaimi& Partners as the statutory auditors of the Company for the FY ended 31 March 2018.
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