Ordinary General Assembly Meeting FYE 31 March 2012
MENA Capital Holding Company held its Annual General Assembly (AGM) for the financial year ended 31 March 2012 on Thursday, June 28, 2012. On the occasion, the Chairman & Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Hamad Abdullatif Al-Asfour said that in circumstances of slow global economic recovery and limited investment opportunities, MENA Capital has continued to adopt a cautious approach to its investment activities by focusing on strengthening internal controls and streamlining its operations during the past year. At the start of the year, the Company modified its strategic plans to mitigate the impact of the crisis, face its consequences and prepare the Company for the post-crisis phase by capitalizing on opportunities that may arise due to improvements in market conditions. During the year, a solid framework was developed and implemented in all areas of operations and a robust management reporting system was put in place which together facilitated cost monitoring, control measures and compliance with statutory requirements. The results for the year are in line with the level of investing activities that the Company had during the year which were flat due to the uncertainties in the MENA region.
The AGM unanimously approved all items listed in the Agenda, including the audited financial statements of MENA Capital for the FY ended 31st March 2012 along with the Auditor's Report and the Board of Director's Report for the period. The meeting also approved the reappointment of Ernst & Young Al Aiban Al Osaimi & Partners as the statutory auditors of the Company for the FY ended 31st March 2013.
The AGM unanimously approved all items listed in the Agenda, including the audited financial statements of MENA Capital for the FY ended 31st March 2012 along with the Auditor's Report and the Board of Director's Report for the period. The meeting also approved the reappointment of Ernst & Young Al Aiban Al Osaimi & Partners as the statutory auditors of the Company for the FY ended 31st March 2013.
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